6 Ways to Protect and Pass On the Gospel

The good news of salvation by faith through Christ alone has been attacked in every generation, the same challenges encountered by the older generation of Christians have remained today and will persist tomorrow especially as Christianity continues to become marginalized.

The continuous falsification of the Christian doctrine to lead people astray is a menace however, as Christians we must consciously resist temptations, remaining faithful to Jesus and his word by preserving the gospel and its truthfulness against falsification and distortion just as Paul told Timothy(2 Tim 1:14).

Our mandate is to unapologetically defend the exclusivity of the Gospel and point people to Jesus alone for salvation.

Here are 6 ways to do that:

  1. By Spritual growth – Our awareness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, his sacrifice and gift, improves our ability to discern false doctrines and defend against it. This means we must study God’s words, understand them, speak them, and apply them because the more we know of them, the greater our ability to protect them.
  2. To Protect the gospel is to share it – Understanding that we are Christians as a result of other peoples diligence in sharing the gospel should encourage us to proclaim the gospel stand firm on its truthfulness, so much that it becomes impossible to stop.
  3. Join a small group – When you join a small group in church, you’re committing to helping other members faithfully follow Jesus. You get to know them and their spiritual needs in weekly meetings. Thus, helping each other stay accountable, read the Scripture, fellowship and pray together.
  4. Share a Testimony – Testimonies are contagious because they inspire people to keep faith which results in their own testimonies. When we connect with others, we ought to share God’s grace in our lives. This can be especially helpful if you can relate to something they’re going through.
  5. Be Examplary – Humans are sensitive to inconsistencies as such, we can’t preach one thing and act differently. Hence to protect and pass the gospel we need to practically apply God’s word in our daily lives, questioning if the gospel influences our decisions, priorities and reflects it’s immense values in our lives.

    Simply put, In our mission to protect and pass the gospel we should live in a manner that honors Christ and his sacrifice for us so that through us others can be saved

  6. Correct False teachings – As much as false prophets preach false doctrines that contradict or undermine the gospel, we have a responsibility to intervene and clarify such falsification. If we fail to insist on the truth of salvation, the message of gospel will eventually be diluted, the meaning of “Christian” distorted and the mission of the church to pass on the gospel of will eventually be derailed.

Simply put, In our mission to protect and pass the gospel we should live in a manner that honors Christ and his sacrifice for us so that through us others can be saved


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